Welcome to MWA's Logan Shooting Range

An NRA Affiliated Club

(Click NRA Logo to Join)



Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports

Scott Francis

Phone: (406) 994-3518

Cell: (406) 581-6845

On behalf of Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports, we sincerely thank MWA for supporting our program. We could not do the positive things that we
do for 4-H youth without the dedication and encouragement of the MWA members. For further information, please contact Scott Francis at the above phone number.

Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports is one of the largest projects in Gallatin County. On average, we have about 150 to 200 4-H youth enrolled in shooting sports yearly. The program offers the following disciplines for members: air rifle, air pistol, small-bore rifle, small-bore pistol, archery, shotgun, muzzle-loading, hunting and wildlife, and western heritage. Highly trained and certified adult volunteers run these projects to provide youth with the best possible opportunity to experience top-quality instruction.

The 4-H youth are associated with caring adults and fellow shooters to learn the safe and ethical use of archery equipment and firearms. Many needs must be met to provide the fantastic experiences in positive youth development available in 4-H shooting sports. It continues to get more expensive to find places to meet, maintain equipment, and purchase new and improved supplies.

If you are interested in donating, you may make checks payable to Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports.  Donations may be mailed to:

Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports

903 North Black Avenue

Bozeman, MT  59715

Intro to Handguns Class (Course for Concealed Weapons Permit)

Robert Hall, NRA Instructor

Phone: (406) 763-6078

Email (click to email)

The class is designed for people who have little or no experience with handguns.

Upon successful completion, you will receive a document certifying your basic knowledge of handgun safety, handgun shooting, and Montana’s self-defense and carry laws.

This class includes enough live-fire to meet the training requirement to apply for the Montana Enhanced Concealed Weapon Permit.

The course consists of online instruction by the NRA, followed by in-person training, and live-fire exercises at the Logan Range.  There is a $60 fee for the online portion of the class.

The remainder of the course plus handguns and ammunition are provided by the range and me at no cost to students.

If you are interested, we will put you on the list for the next available spot in a class. Please contact me directly for more information. Thanks.

Practical Shooting Logo
Jordan Johnson has stepped up as the new director of GAS, USPSA’s chapter at MWA.
Jordan hopes to have matches the first Saturday of each month March through October.
Any member interested in more information, or in helping with matches, contact Jordan at 423-208-0802, or jjordan355@yahoo.com
Have fun!  Be safe!  Let’s wish Jordan the best of luck getting GAS going again!

The United States Practical Shooting Association (and its parent organization International Practical Shooting Confederation) is where handgun speed-shooting devotees gather. To get started, you need your favorite handgun, a belt and holster, eye and ear protection, and lots of ammo. You may shoot around a barrier, through a window, with your weak hand, at a disappearing target, and even from a rusted-out old car! Always against the clock, you’ll need to reload along the way, “run and gun” from target bank to target bank, knockdown steel plates, keep from shooting “good guy” targets swinging in front of “bad guy” targets, and much, much more. This fast-paced sport is dominated by semi-automatics, both factory stock and customized, but revolver shooters are also welcome and have their own shooting class.

International Defensive Pistol Association

(There is currently no director for IDPA.  Experienced persons wishing to direct IDPA matches can contact any MWA board member.)
IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated real world self-defense scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defense use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.
The Single Action Shooting Society

The Home of Cowboy Action Shooting

The Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) is an international membership organization formed in 1987 to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. SASS serves as the governing and sanctioning body for the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™ and Wild Bunch Action Shooting™ worldwide – ensuring safety and consistency in the sport. SASS members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting in a safe, fun, family-friendly environment.

Smallbore Silhouette

2021 Smallbore Silhouette Schedule

Kyle Mobley

Phone: (406) 581-5951

Joe Atwood

Phone: (406) 570-9186

We will re-evaluate the situation in late May. Please check back later. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact or leave a message for Kyle Mobley or Joe Atwood.

Hunter Education

Bob Logar

Phone: (406) 599-1856

2025 Hunter Education Schedule

Manhattan Wildlife Association is hosting two Hunter Education classes this year. 

Spring Hunter Education Session:

May 5, 6 & 9 (classroom) – 7 PM to 9 PM
May 12, 13 & 16 (classroom) – 7 PM to 9 PM
May 17 (field day)  – 8:30 AM to 4 PM

Summer Hunter Education Session:

August 4, 5, 7 & 8 (classroom) – 6 PM to 9 PM
August 9 (field day)  – 8:30 AM to 4 PM

They will be held at the Logan Gun Club in the West Clubhouse. 

The 20 hour course includes instruction in wildlife management, firearms safety, hunter ethics, game identification, survival techniques, and more. Participants must complete the entire course to receive their hunter education certificate (must attend all sessions). 

Need to be ten years old at the time of class.  Under Montana law, all residents born after January 1st, 1985, must have a hunter education certificate to purchase a hunting license.

Participation in the class is encouraged, whether you plan to hunt or not, to learn proper firearms safety and handling.

Preregistration is required:
Online registration only.
Register at Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks website – Hunter Education tab.
April 21 – May 2
July 21 – August 1

The class is limited to 50 participants. It is a first-come, first-serve online only.

The course will be taught by Bob Logar, John Steele, Jim Aughney, Chuck Wambeke, Dale Kober, Walt Gordon, Matt Wemple, George Clement, Robert Beller, Les Ziegler, and Mel Kieninger. Instructors are volunteers, and there is no charge for the class.


Gary Delin

Phone: (406) 580-9992

Trap shooting is most every Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. until interest fades, and most every Sunday from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Jeff Eubank

Phone: (406) 581-6837

Skeet shooting is most every Wednesday, 6:00 p.m. until interest fades, and most every Sunday 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Old Farts Trap and Lunch

Gary Henninger

Phone: (406) 579-1152

Email: breakclay@outlook.com

Shooting continues every Thursday from January through December.

Pheasants Forever

Don Walker 

(GVPF Youth Program Coordinator) 
Phone: (602) 882-5453 E-mail: GVPFYP@gmail.com 
The purpose of this program is to develop responsible bird hunters that contribute to our environmental future with involvement in habitat
improvement and protection for upland birds and other wild species.  Youth completing the program will also learn the skills needed to be a
safe hunter in most bird hunting situations.
Twenty youth between the ages of 11 and 16 will be chosen from successful graduates of Hunters’ Education Program or prior graduates in Gallatin
or Park Counties. Recommendations by their Hunters’ Education instructors to participate in the program are encouraged. One of the
many criteria for the selection process is based on providing the opportunity to youth who would have a difficult time learning the skills
taught in this program at home.


All youth selected must have a valid Montana hunting license for upland game in their possession by September 2024. All youth will be asked to
join Pheasants Forever as a youth member at no cost and will receive several Pheasants Forever magazines designed for youth on Bird Habitat.
Any youth at any time may be removed from the program at the sole discretion of Pheasants Forever.


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Rifle, High Power Competition, Civilian Marksmanship Program, and Junior Shoots

(No Coordinator at this time; contact any MWA Board Member if you are interested in this position.)

The Headwaters Rifle Club & Jr. Division is a high-power shooters group. It is affiliated with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).

The CMP is chartered to promote the education and training of youth in the proper and safe use and handling of firearms. It is also the organization that has the authority to sell surplus military firearms, ammunition, and related equipment to its affiliated clubs.

So, if you are interested in owning a piece of history, join us in one of our fun shoots with military rifles to get qualified to purchase your own M1 Garand, M1 30 caliber carbine, or any of the other firearms that CMP sells. The club has rifles you can use and ammo you can buy to join in the fun. Membership is only $10 per person or $20 for a family. You must also be a member of the MWA.

Women on Target

NRA developed the Women on Target (WOT) program because of persistent calls from women that wanted to learn about shooting or hunting, preferably in the company of other women.  WOT clinics are designed to give you a safe, friendly, and fun introduction to shooting sports.


Registration link for clinic: https://www.nrainstructors.org/CourseDetails.aspx?Courseid=764297

Due to dietary restrictions, bring your own lunch; water will be provided.




Firearm disciplines offered will depend on the number of instructors for each type.

Registration will be limited to no more than 30 attendees.

 If interested, please contact Lisa Pedrotti at lisapedrotti@yahoo.com (940)535-441

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